Warm up
10 min AMRAP
1 Minute machine
30 Plate hops
10 Inchworms
5 Strict pull ups/kipping/jumping
No skill, set up for metcon
Team of 3
Buy in
300 calories on rower and on assault bike (150 on each)
Work on both machines at the same time
When all calories are done continue with
100 Burpee box jump overs
100 Toes to bars
100 Snatches 43/30kg
100 Wallballs 9/6kg
100 Double unders
100 Wallballs 9/6kg
100 Double unders
100 Overhead squats 43/30kg
100 Pull ups
100m wheelbarrow
L1: 300 cals total (100 each) on ski erg, assault bike and rower, 60/43kg, 100m handstandwalk
L3: 150 hanging knee raises, 35/25kg, 50 pullups, 50m wheelbarrow
L4: 100 hanging knee raises, 25/15kg snatch, 35/25kg frontsquats, jumping pull ups, 100 push ups with appropriate scaling.