Saturday Strength, Squat/Oly
Warm up
4 min easy row
3 Rounds
30sec row moderate effort
5 Lateral burpees over rower
Rest 30sec b/t Rounds
Then stretch calfs and lats for 1-2 min

Find a daily max overheadsquat lift in 20 min

With a running clock complete:
15 Calorie row
15 Box jumps
15 Overhead squats

If completed before 3 minutes, add 3 minutes to the clock and continue with a new round of:
15 Calorie row
15 Box jumps
13 Overhead squats

If completed before 6 minutes, add 3 minutes to the clock and continue with a new round of:
15 Calorie row
15 Box jumps
11 Overhead squats

If completed before 9 minutes, add 3 minutes to the clock and continue with a new round of:
15 Calorie row
15 Box jumps
9 Overhead squats

If completed before 12 minutes, add 3 minutes to the clock and continue with a new round of:
15 Calorie row
15 Box jumps
7 Overhead squats

Stop at 15 minutes
*If you fail to do the reps within time: use remaining time to row for calories

L1: 40/30-60/35-70/45-80/55-90/65kg
L2: 20/15-30/20-40/30-50/40-60/45kg
L3: 15 reps ohs all on 20/15kg
L4: Frontsquats 15 reps on all 30/20kg