Friday Team
50 Toes to bars for time, TC 15 min
Every break do 4 dumbbell hang squat cleans 2×22,5/15kg
L1: 75 TTB, 4 bagclean to shoulder 68/45kg (70/50kg power or squat cleans with barbell)
L2: –
L3: 25 TTB, 2×15/10kg
L4: 50 Hanging knee raises, 15/10kg

Team of 2, one work one rest, share anyhow
For time:
Before doing a new movement on dumbbells complete B, start the workout with B.
50 DB hang clean and jerk
40 DB Snatch
30 Overhead squats
20m Front racked walking lunges each (divided in 5m segments)
6 rounds, share anyhow
9 Pull ups
6 Handstand push ups
3 Frontsquat
Do these 6 rounds before every new 30 rep barbell movement.

L1: 40-35-30-20 reps 30/22,5kg 6 rounds: 3 bar muscle ups, 3 parallette hspu, 3 squat cleans 61/43kg, one whole round each
L2: 22,5/15kg, 50/35kg
L3: 15/10kg, 6 rounds: 6 pull ups, 6 handrelease push ups, 3 frontsquats 40/30kg
L4: 10/7kg DB or KB, frontsquats instead of OHW lunges, 6 rounds: 9 jumping pull ups, 6 box push ups, 3 frontsquats 30/20kg