Handstand walk practice 10 min, pick one or two of:
- Handstand againt wall + shoulder taps if possible
- Free handstand/HS walk with help of a friend
- Free handstand
- Handstand walk
- Handstand walk obstacle course (cones and plates)
Ques: tight midline, keep butt and thighs squeezed. Activated shoulders.
AMRAP 30 in teams of 2
4 rounds switch after each exercise
10 target burpees
10 devils presses 22,5/15
Directly into:
4 rounds switch after each exercise (2 each)
12 deadlifts 60/43
9 HPC 60/43
6 STOH 60/43
Directly into:
AMRAP share anyhow*
20 Pull ups
20 TTB
20 KB swings (lagom) 32/24
20 DB Hang C&J 22,5/15
*Partner in farmers hold 2xKB or 2xDB 20-22,5/16-15kg
L1: 70/50 on DT, CTB pull ups
L2: RX
L3: 40/30kg on DT, 15/10kg DB, 20/16kg KB
L4: 30/20kg on DT, 15/10kg DB, 16/12kg KB, jumping pull ups, hanging knee raises