As a part of warm up
Every 4 min for 8 min (2 sets)
-10 sec front level
-10 alternating v-ups
-8 v-ups
-6 straddle v-ups
-4 russian v-ups
-10 hollow rock
In teams of 2
You go I go
“DT” ladder
Find each max unbroken set in 15 min
You may not lower the weight, only increase
Start with any weight you want and work “you go I go”
-12 Deadlift
-9 Hang power clean
-6 Shoulder to overhead
Rest 5 min then
3 rounds for time, share any how
-20 Thrusters 40/30kg
-20 pull ups
-20 Burpee box overs, only hands may touch the box
-20 Power snatches 40/30kg
-20 pull ups
L1: 61/43kg, 10 bar muscle ups
L2: RX
L3: 30/20kg, 10 pull ups
L4: 20/15kg, ring rows