Work 30 sec each minute for 12 min

– 30 sec Hollow rock
– 30 sec handstand in rig (lower the bar and kick up, place feets on bar)
– 30 sec Russian twist
– 30 sec Shaolin push ups (help each other if needed)

Pistols skill
Show movement
Practice movement standing on box, then holding on box, rings or rig

20 min EMOM

– 0-5 min
3 Front Squats 60/43kg (From the floor)
– 6-10 min
10 Toes to bar
– 10-15 min
3 Front Squats 60/43kg (From the floor)
– 15-20 min
6 Pistols+ 2 strict handstand push ups

L1: 80-100kg, 2 Bar muscle ups + 8 toe to bar, 10 pistols+6-10 Strict HSPU
L2: RX
L3: 43/30kg, 5 toes to bar, pistols from box+ 2 kipping hspu
L4: Goblet squat, hanging knee raises, ring assisted pistols+ 6 push ups