6 day cycle, moves forward each week
– Squat
– Snatch
– Midline
– Press
– C&J
– Movement mid line mobility

Part of warm up
– 3 Rounds for quality
– 2 Wall Walks
– 30 sec Wall Facing Hold
– 12-16 alt KB/DB Seesaw Rows

– Strict press
4 sets 4 reps at 60%

– Accumulate 50 shoulder to overhead, time cap 16min
– 25/20 Cals on assault bike or rower
– AMRAP Shoulder to overhead 50/35kg, from ground

3 min work, 1 min rest until you are done
Score= time it takes to finish 50 S2OH

Level 1: 70/47,5kg
Level 2: RX
Level 3: 19/15 cals, 40/30kg
Level 4: 12/10 cals dumbbell shoulder to overhead


Prepare for metcon

In teams of 3
10 min to find 1 rep max strict press, add weight, womans score is weightx1.3

Then when clock strikes 10 start with

Amrap 12 min, one whole round each, the other rest.

– 8 front rack lunges, in place 40/30kg
– 4 bar facing burpees
– 8 frontrack lunges in place 40/30kg
– 8 toes to bar

Rest 5 min and set up for

12 min amrap
One person does the whole round

– 2+2 Strict dumbbell press 22/15kg
– Oh walking lunges 10m, right arm
– 5+5 hang clean and jerk
– Oh walking lunges 10m back, left arm

L1: 50/35kg, 10 toes to bar
L2: RX
L3: 30/20kg, hanging knee raises, oh walking, 16/12kg kb
L4: goblet lunges, sit ups, shoulder to overhead with kb, farmers carry, hang clean.