Tuesday Gymnastic/midline
Warm up
3 rounds or 10 min
200m run
5/3 Strict pull ups
10 Hip bridges
30sec Handstand hold

EMOM 12min
Min 1: 5 Burpees + 5 Toes to bars
Min 2: 5 Burpees + 5 Handstand push ups
Min 3: 5 Burpees + 5 Ring dips
Toes to bars – Hanging knee raises – sit ups
HSPU – HSPU from box – Handstand – push ups
Ring dips – Dips on box or bench

For time, TC 15 min
240 Double unders
2 rounds
Toes to bars
30/24 calorie on rower

L1: 50 T2B, Assault bike
L2: 30 T2B
L3: 20 T2B, 120 double unders
L4: 10 T2B or 40 Hanging knee raises, 240 single unders