Saturday Gymnastic/midline
Warm up
AMRAP 10 min
40 Mountain climbers
20 Hollow rocks
10 Scapula push ups
30 Air squats
30 Plate jumps
10 Kips in bar
1-5 Strict pull ups

Toes to bar
Do this twice, only working 10-15 sec at every step. Everybody does all steps.
1 Jump to deadhang
2 Jump to deadhang, kip back and forth then stop in deadhang
3 Jump to deadhang, kip and pull knees up (hanging knee raises)
4 Jump to deadhang, kip, pull knees up and kick feet forward, maintain the kipping movement
5 Jump to deadhang, kip, pull knees up, kick feet upwards
6 Jump to deadhang, kip, pull knees up, kick to bar
Always pull knees and kick when the body is behind the bar

When done pick one or two of the movements and practice another 5 min

Every 4 minute, 5 rounds
10 Box jump overs
3 Toes to bars
10 Backsquat 50/35kg, from floor
3 Toes to bars
20/15 cal rower

L1: 61/43kg
L3: Hanging knee raises, 40/30kg frontquats
L4: 3-4 kips, 15/12 cal row, 30/20kg frontsquats