Warm up 
AMRAP 8-10 min 
30 Mountain climbers 
10 Hollow rocks 
10 Scapula push ups 
20 air squats 
30 plate jumps 
10 kips in bar 
1-5 strict pull ups

Part A
10 rounds, every 90 sec do, each round for time
3+3 dumbbell push press
6 Pull ups
6 Box jump overs
Rest 5 min, then
Part B
5 rounds for time
50 Double unders
5 Burpee chest to bars
*Part A set up: Start every round standing on the box, if possible all should have the same distance to the dumbbells and the pull up bar. Finish with an extra jump up on the box.

L1: A: 30/22,5kg, B: burpee bar muscle ups
L2: A: 22,5/15kg
L3: A: 15/10kg, jumping chest to bars, B: 20 double unders, Burpee to 5 sec hang
L4: A: 10/7kg DB or KB, ring rows, low boxes, B: Single unders, 10 Burpee to target