Thursday Gymnastic/midline
Muscle up practice, alternate as you like between these movements
Swing and jump bar muscle ups, low bar feet on ground
Kipp hip to bar
Lat pulldown on foam roller, low bar
Bar muscle ups
*Jump into the bar, meaning standing behind the bar, not under.
*When you kip back behind the bar the body should do this: feet up, knees up, pop the hips up in to the bar, pull with arms, do a “sit ups”

Take 5-10min to prepare for metcon

3 rounds
15 Overhead squats
9 handstand push ups
2 Bar muscle ups
400m run

L1: 50/35kg, strict hspu, 6 BM,
L2: 43/30kg
L3: 30/20kg, CTB or banded/jumping BMU
L4: 30/20kg frontsquats, push ups on dumbbells, jumping chest to bars