Warm up
AMRAP 10 min
40 Mountain climbers
20 Hollow rocks
10 Scapula push ups
30 air squats
30 plate jumps
10 kips in bar
5 strict pull ups
*No stress, good movements before speed

Work up and try the DT movements, do a test round with half the reps

For time, TC 45 min
Buy in
3000/2700m row
3 Rounds of
4 Rope climbs
10 Handstand push ups
15 Pull ups
4-3-2 rounds of DT 40/30kg
20-15-10 Burpee over bar, lateral

*DT 12 Deadlift, 9 hang power clean, 6 shoulder to overhead

L1: No jumping in rope climb and head above the anchor, Deficit hspu 10/7cm, chest to bars, 50/35kg
L2: –
L3: 2 Rope climbs, HSPU from box
L4: 1 jump and hold rope climb, hand release push ups 30/20kg