Warm up
3 rounds of
20 Air squats
30 sec Samson stretch, both legs
20 Jumping jacks OR double unders
20 Banded pull apart
10 Hanging scapula shrugs
20 sec lats/hamstrings stretch, hands on wall
10 kips

For time, TC 50 min
1600m run
10 rounds
4 Devils press*
4 DB box step overs
12 Toes to bars
30 Double unders
1600m run
*Use one dumbbell, alternate on devils presses

L1: 22,5/15kg
L2: 15/10kg
L3: 6 TTB, 15/10kg, 10 Double unders
L4: 10/7kg DB or KB, hanging knee raises, single unders, low boxes