Wednesday Gymnastic/midline
Warm up
6-8 min amrap
10 Inchworms
10 Double unders
10 kips in bar or rings
10 hip bridges
10 sec handstand hold

Handstand push ups practice 5-10 min
No need to do them all, just the ones you need to practice on. Don’t do to many reps, save it for the metcon.
1 Place your head on an ab-mat, hand on the sides forming a triangle
2 Place your knees on the elbows and hold for 5 sec
3 From position 2 extend one leg at the time towards the roof, hold for 5 sec
Remember the tension in the body for next step
4 Move to the wall. Kick up to the wall, remember how much you had to control the body in step 3, replicate that. Then lower yourself down into the ab-mat, then let your feet come down to the floor. Repeat this 5-10 times.
5 Do 4 but stay on the abmat. Keeping the tension in the core and arm and hands at all time, lower your knees and kick up to the roof, letting the heals come to rest at the wall in the end.
Remember to always have a neutral neck position, you don’t have to look down on the floor, the top of your head must touch ab-mat, not the forehead.

For time, TC 30 min
Handstand push ups
Double unders
*after every 5 reps HSPU do 5 burpee to target

L1: Deficit HSPU 10/7cm, double the amount of DU
L2: –
L3: hspu 3-6-9-12-9-6-3 No burpees
L4: Negative hspu 2-3-4-5-4-3-2, no burpees, double the amount of single unders