Sunday Team
Warm up
AMRAP 10 min
40 Mountain climbers
20 Hollow rocks
10 Scapula push ups
30 air squats
30 plate jumps
10 kips in bar
5 strict pull ups

Teams of 2 TC 36min
First 12 min AMRAP
Alternate between A, B and C
1 work 1 rest
A 2 Bar muscle ups, 5 pistols, 10 HSPU
B 1 Dumbbell 12 deadlift, 9 hang cleans, 6 jerks (alternate arm each round)
C 200m run
Then into
Amrap 6 min
Max calorie row
EMOM 5 thrusters with 1 DB
Break the row and do this at the same time, no sync
Start with thrusters
Then into
Amrap 6 min
Max burpees over rower, lateral
EMOM 5 toes to bars
Break the burpee and do this at the same time, no sync
Start with toes to bar
Second 12 min AMRAP
A 5 chest to bars, 5 burpee box jumps, 10 HSPU
B 1 Dumbbell 12 deadlift, 9 hang snatch, 6 overhead squat (alternate arm each round)
C 200m run

L1: 22,5/15kg
L2: 15/10kg, First amrap 2 CTB+10 DB squats+5 HSPU, Second amrap 5 pullups, 5 HSPU
L3: 15/10kg, First amrap 2 pullups+ 10 airsquats+10 push ups, Second amrap 5 jumping pull ups, 6 DB frontsquats
L4: 10/7kg DB or KBkg, First amrap 2 jumping chest to bars+ 10 airsquats+5 push ups, Second amrap 5 jumping pull ups, 6 DB frontsquats