Saturday Strength, Squat/Oly
Warm up
2 rounds of
AMRAP 4 min
20 Plate hops or 40 Jumping jacks
20 Banded pull aparts
10 Burpees or 5 Wall walks
1 Jump up and hold 3-5 sec in rope
2 min walking rest between amraps
Controlled tempo

Set up and prepare for metcon

Every 5 min, 8 rounds (40min)
400m run
1 Rope climb
21 Double unders
9 Wallballs 9/6kg
4 Dumbbell complexes, alternating 22,5/15kg
*DB Complex
1 Snatch+ 1 thruster+ 1 hang clean and jerk

L1: legless rope climb, 30/22,5kg DB
L2: –
L3: jump up and hold for 5 sec in rope, 10 double unders, 15/10kg DB
L4: 5 hanging knee raises, 21 single unders, 6/4kg WB, 10/7kg DB or KB clean and jerks