Saturday Gymnastics midline 

Ring muscle ups practice 10-15 min
Work thou all stages, especially for the ones that never done this before. Those who are comfortable with ring muscle up practice can put more focus on part C.
From the knees or toes on the floor, palms facing each other
High pull to sternum
Transition to low dip
Press to support
Transition back to low dip
Transition and freeze at high pull to sternum
Lower back to ground

Hanging in rings
Close/open (hollow/arch)
With control (able to stop and hang in deadhang)
Keep tension on the ring straps
While swinging, you have to be long, connected, and tight

Swing/kip 2-4 times then pull to the hips. Maintain a straight body throughout and work to get the shoulders hips and hands level with the rings.
Swing/kip, pull to the hips and transition to support, (low dip) then back down.

4 rounds
40 Double unders
5 Wall climbs
20 goblet squats 24/16kg
3 Muscle ups

L1: With a weight west
L2: –
L3: 20 DU. 16/12kg KB, 3 swing and pull to hips
L4: 40 single unders, airsquats, 3-5 reps from part A