Thursday Gymnastics midline 
Double under practice 10 min
Jump unbroken sets
Rest as needed between sets

Take 10 min to practice dumbbell movements and do the set up for the metcon

For Time (25 Min Cap)
3 Rounds of
50 Double Unders
10 DB Devil Press (1 Dumbbell, alternating hands)
2 Rounds of
50 Air squats
10 DB Hang Power Cleans+ Jerks (5+5)
1 Round of
50 Alt DB Snatch
10 Ring muscle Ups

L1: 30/22,5kg
L2: 22,5/15kg, 20 chest to bars,
L3: 15/10kg, 25 pullups
L4: 10/6kg DB or KB, 30 jumping chest to bars