


4 sets of 7 reps at 75%

Take 2-3min rest between sets

For time, TC 15min

30 Double unders
– 4 Rope Climbs
– 16 Front Squats 50/35kg from floor
60 Double unders
– 3 Rope Climbs
– 12 Front Squats 60/43kg
90 Double unders
– 2 Rope Climbs
– 8 Front Squats 70/47,5kg
120 Double unders
– 1 Rope Climb
– 4 Front Squats 80/52,5kg

L1: Legless rope climbs
L2: RX
L3: half the D.U, 10-15kg less on the barbell, 10-8-6-4 ring row instead of rope climb
L4: Single unders, 30/20 on the barbell on all stages, 10-8-6-4 ring row instead of rope climb