After warm up set the stage and go through the movements.
2-3 on every station

Station 1 (Min 1) 3-4 rig spaces nearest the coffee machine
Station 2 (Min 2) 3-4 rig spaces further down
Station 3 (Min 3) In front of the white board or a bit further down
Station 4 (Min 4) The 3 rig spaces before to door to open gym
Station 5 (Min 5) Rest, walk towards the spectator area and station 1 (couches)


EMOM 30 min

Min 1: 5 Power snatch + 3 chest to bars
Min 2: 6 Thrusters + 6 Toes to bars
Min 3: 4/4 DB hang clean and jerks 22,5/15kg + 5 Burpee box jump overs
Min 4: 5 Strict handstand push ups + 5 shoulder taps
Min 5: Rest

L1: 8 PS 43/30kg + 3 BMU, 10 Thrusters + 10 T2B, 10 strict HSPU + 5m hswalk into wall
L2: 43/30kg
L3: 30/20kg, pull ups, hanging knee raises, 15/10kg DB, kipping HSPU no shoulder tap
L4: 30/20kg, 6 ring row, hanging knee raises, 15/10kg DB, 10 push ups with 5 shoulder tap