During warm up, practice double unders for 3-5 min

Snatch warm up with empty barbell

Set + reps

5×3 Muscle snatch
5×3 Power snatch
5×3 Snatch balance


Continue to work up weights in snatch balance and snatch grip deadlift during 10 min, alternate between the movements as you like.

4 rounds for time TC 21min

15 Snatch
15 Snatch
15 Snatch
15 Snatch

Rest 3 min between sets

Power or squat

First round should not be heavier than 60%-RM

The last round should not be heavier than 85%RM

Then after 3 min rest

Take another 3-5 lifts at any weight you want.

Example weight

L1: PR 95/75kg: 50/35kg-60/43kg-70/50kg-80/60kg
L2: PR 85/65kg: 40/30kg-50/37,5kg-60/45kg-70/50kg
L3: PR 75/55kg: 40/30kg-50/35kg-55/40kg-60/45kg
L4: PR 65/45kg: 35/25kg-40/30kg-45/35kg-50/35kg
L5: Power snatch only, start with barbell and make very small increases