25-30 min outside
Do the warm outside after the jog
Sprint course
Take a short jog to the park, bring red cones.
Set a startline/finishline and place the cones like below.
Make the distance from start to the single cone as long as possible (probably around 60m in the park)
Place the first cone 2m from the finishline and the following cones 2m apart.
Race from start to the single cone, then back to the nearest cone, zig zag outside the cones to finish
3 attempts, note time
………………………. Start/Finish
After the sprint, is done, spring back to the box and prepare for some heavy cleans
“Clean” 1 RM
Start the clock, all have a maximum of 30 sec for their lift(s)
All the guys on one bar starting at 50kg. Each increase is 5kg.
All the girls on one bar starting at 40kg, each increase is 2.5kg
Increase the weight when everybody is done.
If more than 1 don’t succeed in the lift, they will step aside and have a tiebreak lift off:
5 cleans 50/35kg and a sprint to the wall (4m)