As a part of warm up
Every 4 min for 8 min (2 sets)

10 sec front level
1-5 Hip bridges
8 v-ups
6 straddle v-ups
20sec dead bug
10-60 sec handstand hold
1 Pull over, or try for 30 sec

Then for 15 min

Show movements, go through kipping and butterfly pull ups, show different variations of hspu progressions,


Warm up with barbells to the weight used in the workout

6 rounds of

10 Push press 50/35kg
6 Pull ups


1600m run


6 rounds
10 Power cleans 50/35kg
5 Handstand push ups


1600m run

L1: Chest to bar pull ups, strict hspu, 60/40kg
L2: RX
L3: Jumping chest to bars, 2 hspu OR 5 box hspu, 40/30kg
L4: Ring row, dumbbell push ups, use dumbbells for push press and cleans