As a part of warm up
Every 4 min for 8 min (2 sets)

10 sec front level
10 alternating v-ups
8 v-ups
6 straddle v-ups
4 russian v-ups
10 Russian twist with a plate 10/5kg

In 12 min, max weight in complex

-2 Snatch deadlifts
-1 Hang power snatch

5 min rest and reset, then

20 min AMRAP
-10 Snatches 50/35kg
-400m run
-10 Snatches
-30 Toes to bars

Lunchclass only the 20 min amrap

L1: 70/47,5kg
L2: RX
L3: 40/30kg, Hanging knee raises
L4: Dumbbell snatch, Ab-mat situps