As a part of warm up
Every 4 min for 8 min (2 sets)

-10 sec front level
-10 alternating v-ups
-8 v-ups
-6 straddle v-ups
-4 russian v-ups
-10 Russian twist with a plate 10/5kg

Every 4 min for 8 rounds (32 min)

5 Dumbbell thrusters 22,5/15kg
5 Pull ups
5 Toes to bars
4x4m 1 hand DB overhead walking lunges

Every round is for time

Place all athletes with their dumbbells under their pullup rack.
Walk between the rig and the windows

6 rounds at lunch

L1: Chest to bars, increase the thruster reps by 1 each round
L2: RX
L3: 15/10kg, jumping pull ups, hanging knee raises.
L4: Goblet squat, jumping pull ups, abmat sit ups, front rack lunges