6 day cycle, moves forward each week
– Squat
– Snatch
– Midline
– Press
– C&J
– Movement mid line mobility


As a part of warm up:
Movement midline mobility

Do this before doing the movements
– Squeeze your butt as hard a possible (this sets your pelvis in place)
– Pull your ribcage down
– Tighten your belly


– 30 Hollow rocks
– 30 Super man
– 20 Leg Raises hands by your side, raise your feet about 20-30cm off the ground, then down)
– 20 Overhead extensions with light weight 5-8kg  (lay flat on your back, brace your spine, take your kettlebell in both hand and hold it over your face, slowly begin to bring kettlebell overhead keeping your lower back pressed into the floor)

– 2-4 min plank hold with weight placed on lower back, 5-10kg

Rest as needed during this.

Every 6 minutes for 30min, 5rounds

– 21 Cal row

– 15 Burpee box jump overs
– 9 Clean and jerk-50/35kg
If rounds take more than 4 minutes scale

L1: 60/43kg
L2: RX
L3: 18-12-6
L4: 18-12-6, 9 kettlebell swing 16/12kg