Every 2 Minutes for 10 Rounds
– 1 Snatch deadlift
– 1 Hang power snatch
– 2 Overhead squats
– 1 Snatch from floor
– 10 Double unders

Start at 50% of max overhead squat.

If mobility is an issue with the Overhead squats, go as low as possible. Try to aim for a target (put a weight plate down and a med ball on top) increase weight each round if form allows.

You should get a minimum of 1 min rest each round. Otherwise remove double unders.


For time TC 8 min
– 120 Double unders
– 30 Toe to bar
– 30 Handstand push ups
– 120 Double unders

You need to be fast, if you can’t do 15 t2b unbroken or 10 hspu unbroken, scale.

Level 1: 150 DU, 10/7cm Deficit HSPU
Level 2: Rx
Level 3: 50 DU, 30 handrelease push ups, 30 Hanging knee raises
Level 4: 100 single unders, 2 min plank hold, 30 ab mat sit ups